Some dental veneers can last up to 20 years
The process begins with a personalized consultation to decide if veneers are the right option for you. You can discuss what veneer materials and types are the best fit for your lifestyle and budget. Dr. Natchi may take X rays and take impressions of your teeth and mouth at this time.
To prepare for the application of a veneer, Dr. Natchi will trim the enamel to reshape the tooth. This can be done with or without anesthesia, depending on the extent of work necessary, and the patient’s own tolerance. An impression is then taken of this newly shaped tooth, and sent to a dental lab. They will make your veneer (the process typically takes 2-4 weeks). In the meantime, your dentist can fit you with temporary veneers.
The new veneer will be placed over the site to check for color and fit, and adjusted accordingly. Once the perfect shape is achieved, the tooth will be prepped for bonding. This includes a thorough cleaning, polishing, and etching the tooth to rough the surface. Cement will then be painted onto the veneer and placed over the tooth. A special light is used to harden the bond quickly. Dr. Natchi will check your bite and make necessary adjustments.
Your dentist in Allen may set up a follow up consultation for a couple weeks later to follow up on the veneer placement and check the gums.
Veneers can fix common aesthetic problems such as discoloration, staining, worn down teeth, chipped or broken teeth, misalignment, gapping, or irregular shapes.
Veneers can be a huge boost to self-confidence. They allow for a natural, improved tooth appearance. They are long lasting, stain resistant, and the gums tolerate porcelain extremely well. They are stronger than crowns, and require less shaping.
Veneers will typically last between 7 and 15 years, without any special care. Simply practice good oral hygiene: brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly. Follow up with scheduled dental appointments with your dentist in Allen, TX.
Removing an infected tooth can save the rest of your smile.
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